When a storm uncovers shipwrecked wine bottles off the coast of Spain, marine archaeologist Bree Farrington partners up with Insta-famous archaeologist Finn Robinson to discover the artifacts’ origins. Finn seems to be the ideal match for Bree. A wealthy investor offers funding to save Bree’s research program if she can learn where the bottles came from. When the head of the Ibizan wine association is granted custody of the bottles, Bree must unite with the local winemaker, Mateo, to uncover the secrets behind the rosé. When the story behind the bottles reveals an ancient forbidden love affair between a Countess and a local winemaker, Bree must choose between her head and her heart.
This romance mystery movie is set in Ibiza and was filmed on the island. It will be released exclusively in December across the US on Tubi.

BREE – Brooke Burfitt
MATEO – Daniel Lundh
ELIZA – Caprice Bourret
FINN – Callum Kerr
PROF. FARRINGDON – Nicholas Farrell